Free to use
Open sourced under Apache-2.0 License
Rich Features
Caters for all needs
Active Community
GitHub Stars
Brand-new v4.0
Rendering ability for ten-million-level data
Supports both SVG and Canvas rendering
Seperates data and style configuring
Accessibility supports
Wechart and Powerpoint supports
Multi-dimension data analysis
Brush data for detail
Dig more out of data
Multi-chart interaction
Analysis the relationship between multiple charts

Multi-dimension data analysis
Brush data for detail
Dig more out of data
Multi-chart interaction
Analysis the relationship between multiple charts
Charts for all sized devices
PC / Phone / Pad / Large Screen ...
Responsive design for all devices
ECharts: A Declarative Framework for Rapid Construction of Web-based Visualization
Please cite the following paper whenever you use ECharts in your R&D; projects, products, research papers, technical reports, news reports, books, presentations, teaching, patents, and other related intelligence activities.